
A week in the studios concludes: Killer Crystals & Newton rings

With the photo-shoot completed the remainder of this week is given over to archiving the work.

Its a lengthy process so the next 2 days will be consumed doing just this. The only consolation is I have some music at hand...

This world and body...

The type of film I use suffers from a chemical degradation nick-named killer crystals which is one reason I have to digitally scan all my work as soon as possible. I won't know for a few days if the film will survive.

Scanning to protect my prints is firstly a necessity but also it's good practise as eventually l'll need to make enlargements or reproductions.

Edit: after 2 weeks my film has now unfortunately fallen victim to this blight. Its began to yellow (or burn) areas which were very clear are now fogged and tell tale crystals have formed that will eventually eat the print. A flat-bed scanner was a wise investment.

To reiterate none of these prints are edited with after effects, all are analogue and in camera.

Detail of Lost in Translation 1.0

Scanning Polaroid's takes time as newton rings slow the process down. These interference patterns can be removed through editing, however Polaroid's (Impossible film) come with a handy fix that involves using a spent-cartridge as a scanning frame - lifting the print away from the scanning glass.

Polaroid cartridge used as flat-bed scanning frame

Due to the day job I have to postpone for a few weeks the next session of 'Lost in Translation'...after which I'll consider a small exhibition...until then...

Never throw away your old cartridges!