
A week in the studios - Lost in translation

Today marks the official opening of our new studios and to celebrate, this week we’ll be following the creation of new work ‘Lost in translation’.

'Lost in translation' is the 2nd series of works of 'Just Waves in Space'.

These new studios were built to our specific needs and are now a wonderful hub of productivity, providing a renewed sense of freedom and much needed immediacy, plus some home comforts.

This marks a new chapter for my art-practise following an incredibly long period without access to studios, time is still something of a luxury especially as we became parents recently.

'Just Waves in Space' has become more of a exploration, with hundreds of prints already its still not complete, and I don't truly know if it ever will be but its leading someplace new, and that's exciting. 

As regards to my publishing ideas those are still on the back-burner as I want first to build a body of work - then select key series for publication or exhibition. 

This suits my routine, family now comes first, as I no longer seek contemporary exhibition nor exposure, I'm revelling in my time.

Creative Commons Licence
Unless otherwise noted, copyright of all artworks remains with the artist Hilton Vasey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.