
In the studios Tuesday: Lost in Translation - Sellotaping my face 

To coincide with its opening we’re following a week in our new studios. 

I’ve spent some time designing these studios so they complement my practise; essentially a white cube, there’s not much preparation needed to set up each day, except for a tripod or loading a camera, everything is in situ.

I just jump straight in barring a cup of tea and some well-chosen vinyl records.

To be played at maximum volume...

My weapon of choice is the Polaroid Image, which has a quirk that enables perfect double exposures; the only other tools at hand are some sellotape and scissors.

As mentioned previously I'm now applying a new working practice, focusing on the key elements that make up my work..binding, repetition, give these centre stage as I felt they'd become today I'm just sellotaping my face...

The day incorporates then these repeated actions:

  • setting a timer; running into position; binding; waiting for flash; going back to the camera; apply double exposure quirk; quickly jump back; bind some more; repeat…

In between all of this is some serious lateral thinking, making a mental note of where my limbs are / have been / or are going to be; and I'm limited to only 5 prints per cartridge; much of which I've found out is expired.

The Polaroid Image camera lends an element of chaos to every shoot, I have some control but still each shot is unique and I don't really know what I'll get until the prints developed.

© Hilton Vasey 'Just Waves in Space'

© Hilton Vasey 'Just Waves in Space'

© Hilton Vasey 'Just Waves in Space'

Creative Commons Licence
Unless otherwise noted, copyright of all artworks remains with the artist Hilton Vasey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.